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Vinyasa Flow

Our yoga classes run for a full 90 minutes to ensure a total yogic experience incorporating asanas, pranayama and meditation. Classes are held in a private studio that is modern, vibrant and airconditioned. Your practices will be choreographed to soothing and energising music to get the best from the yoga flow.

Asanas and flow (body awareness)

Asana is the word used to describe individual yoga poses. Their benefits are only perceived to be at a physical level.
Asanas have an important beneficial impact on the whole body. Not only do they tone the muscles, tissues, ligaments, joints and nerves, but they also maintain the smooth functioning and health of all body’s systems.

Benefits of Asanas include:

Stress relief
Increased energy
Better flexibility and posture
Living with greater awareness Bringing the mind back to the present moment.
Improved immunity
Inner peace

Yoga relaxes the body and mind allowing both to recover from fatigue or weakness and stress of daily life.

Pranayama (breath awareness)

If your breathing isn’t relaxed, your body can’t relax. If your body isn’t relaxed, your mind can’t relax and you can’t draw the full benefits from your yoga practice.

Proper breathing and control (known as pranayama) is one of the “eight limbs” of the philosophy of yoga. (Asana, which is the physical practice most of us know as “yoga” is another of the “limbs”.)


Breathing slowly can lower your heart rate. It also brings fresh oxygen to the lungs and in turn, the rest of the body.

Each person breathes at a different pace naturally and it will take a while for you to find a pace that is right for you. Be patient, continue your practice and just keep breathing.

Yoga Nidra Meditation (whole of body awareness)

Yoga Nidra meditation is a practice of whole body awareness.

As you start to feel into the wave of your breath, you feel your body surrender into stillness. You will sense your pulse, the circulation of your life, your life energy as you relax in this healing, rejuvenating time; time for just being and resting within yourself. Relaxing all thoughts, all control of breath, any tension in the body. Rest in the peace of yoga.

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